How to Maintain your fitness over the Holidays


The festive season is upon us. Some are busy worrying about what to buy for family and friends, while others are stressing over the meals and the travelling coming up. While doing all that planning, we may also be worried about losing our fitness during the season. Fear not, 30 to 45 minutes a day for 3 or 4 sessions a week will diminish the effects of not going to the gym at all. 

The research says: if you don’t use it, you will lose it but doing simple movements like squats, push-ups and other bodyweight exercises will keep your nervous system ready for a return to a regular fitness program after the Holidays. 

Exercises and movements recommended: 

Squats – with or without weight. What if I am travelling? Where am I going to find a weight? Simple, grab a kid or a carry-on case, hold at chest height and let your legs do the work. To make it safer, do it above a chair, if your legs give out, have a seat. 

Push-ups – on the floor or against a wall. Not strong enough yet to do a push-up on your toes, then do them on your knees. If from your knees are still a problem, then stand facing a wall and do them on the wall, just make sure you’re secure and that your feet aren’t slipping. 

Lunges (Reverse) – with or without weight. Just as in the squat, grab a kid (hey, this is good bonding time, play for them, workout for you. It's a win-win!) or travel case. This time step back, going down on one knee, then standing up. For safety reasons, I prefer reverse lunges to doing a forward lunge. 

Row – don’t drop the case, stand in a split stance, holding the case in you right hand, with left foot forward, bend over with your left elbow on your left knee, do one-arm-bent-over rows with your right arm. The alternative, please be careful with this one, if in doubt, do not do it. Get a bath towel, secure it around both handles of an open door, hold an end in each hand and do a row. 

Planks – half planks from your knees or full planks from your toes with straight arms or on your elbows. Engage your core, maintain a neutral spine. Want an extra challenge? Do Hi-Lows, go from a plank on your elbows up onto your palms and then back down. 

Bridges -  on your back, knees bent, feet flat. Contract your buttocks and lift your pelvis as high as you comfortably can. If you choose to do a single leg version, put your feet together before you lift one leg, as you want to be aligned properly. This variation challenges your strength and core more. 

Cardio – Burbees, jumping jacks, thrusters and the like. Another option: go for a hike with your family and friends, that is what the season is about. 

All the best for the Holidays. 
