Andre Gordon
Andre Gordon is a Personal Trainer (ACSM/AFAA) and Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA) working in Toronto. This once overweight Auto Sales rep decided to take matters into his own hands and get fit. After many starts and stops in the gym, Andre eventually dropped 60lbs and improved his cardiovascular fitness and overall strength.
He later became certified as a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, and then took on the vocation of a Personal Trainer and Group Instructor full-time. He has worked along with Orthopaedic Surgeons and Physiotherapists to assist in the rehab of their patients.
Andre has also worked with clients looking to improve their general health and fitness and weight management. In addition to this he has worked with recreational runners, skiers and triathletes as well as elite athletes in golf, swimming and skating. Andre has completed certifications/workshops in TRX, Bonefit, Mat Pilates, Aquafit, Bootcamp, Sculpt and Yoga. NCCP cycle coaching and Triathlon coaching certification as well as his National Lifeguarding and Swim Instructor certifications were recently added to his accomplishments. Andre has on his bucket list an Ironman distance event to be ticked off.
Suzie Foreman
Suzie has been a physiotherapist for the past 34 years and has specialized in Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy. Over the years she has treated many athletes (recreational, rep, provincial and national), including skiers, distance runners, triathletes and track athletes. She has subspecialized in orthotic prescription and travels to Jamaica 6 times per year to see patients for custom made orthotics.
Suzie currently practices in Toronto. Her colleagues include a naturopath and a physiotherapist who specializes in run assessments, among many others. If you want to improve your performance, Suzie and her colleagues have got you covered.
Equipment Provided
Resistance Bands
Kettle Bells
Medicine Ball
Sparring Gloves and Pads
Battle Rope
Skipping Rope (weighted)